
the Alec Wilder Octet

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Alec Wilder Octet

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

9 p.m.

Jazzclub Schlot, Invalidenstr. 117, 10115 Berlin

Admission 10 €

Matthias Haase (ob,eh), Christof Griese (fl,sax), Jan Hermerschmidt (cl), Andreas Dormann (bcl), Stefan Rocke (fg), Horst Nonnenmacher (b), Michael Rowalska (dr), Oliver Busch (cembalo)
...swing from the 40s with an unusual sound.

The American composer Alec Wilder wrote these pieces for flute, oboe, clarinet, bass clarinet, bassoon bass, percussion and harpsichord!
The program is complemented by new pieces and standards in the same instrumentation.





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