
Author: Matthias

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Saints, Sea and Sun

Saturday October 14, 2023 8 pm Raumerweiterungshalle/Geyersbach, Kopenhagener Str 17, 10437 Berlin Matthias Haase oboe, English horn; Alessandro Di Puccio piano; Andrea Marcelli drums; Daigo Nakai double bass. SAINTS, SEA AND

Oboe + jazz trio

Friday September 8, 2023 7.30 pm Haus am Kleistpark - ZELT im GartenGrunewaldstr. 6/7, 10832 Berlin Admission free , sponsored by Draußenstadt Matthias Haase - Oboe, English hornAlessandro di Puccio -

Alec Wilder Octet, Berlin

open air sponsored by Draussenstadt Sunday 10.9.2023 4 pm Naturschutzzentrum Ökowerk, Berlin e.V. Teufelsseechausee 22 14193 Berlin Music by Alec Wilder (1907 -1980) , Jazz of the 40s for flute,

Alec Wilder Octet, Berlin

open air sponsored by Draussenstadt Sunday 10.9.2023 1 pm Jagdschloss GrunewaldHüttenweg 10014193 Berlin Music by Alec Wilder (1907 -1980) , Jazz of the 40s for , flute, oboe, clarinet, bass clarinet,

Summer concert of the small baroque band

Sunday 25 June 2023 5 pm "die kleine Barockband" Conductor: Matthias Haase Georg Friedrich Händel Overture to Radamisto HWV 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Overture in B minor TWV 55 h:1 Georg Friederich

Summer concert of the small baroque band

Saturday June 24, 2023 7 pm "die kleine Barockband" Conductor: Matthias Haase Georg Friedrich Händel Overture to Radamisto HWV 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Overture in B minor TWV 55 h:1 Georg Friederich

5 double pipes & 88 keys

Sunday May 7th 5 pm Berkaer Platz 1 / Mamlok-Saal Works by G. Gershwin, M. Ravel and P. Tchaikovsky Nicola Heinze - oboe Matthias Haase - English horn Almute Zwiener -

Sunday June 11, 2023 6 pm

Emmauskirche (formerly Ernst-Moritz-Arndt Kirche) Onkel-Tom-Straße 80, 14169 Berlin Music by Alec Wilder (1907 -1980) , Jazz of the 1940s for flute, oboe, clarinet, bass clarinet, bassoon, percussion, bass and harpsichord the

Oboe + jazz trio

Thursday February 23, 2023 19.30 Heinrich-Schulz-BibliothekOtto-Suhr-Allee 9610585 Berlin Admission free Matthias Haase - oboe, cor anglaisAlessandro di Puccio - piano, vibraphoneAndrea Marcelli - percussionDaigo Nakai - double bass

Alec Wilder Octet, Berlin

Thursday January 12, 2023 9 pm Admission 10 / 8 € Invalidenstraße 117, 10115 Berlin Jazzclub - Kunstfabrik Schlot Music by Alec Wilder (1907 -1980) , Jazz of the 40s