
Johann Sebastian Bach

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Herbstkonzert / Jubiläumskonzert der kleine Barockband

20 Jahre kleine Barockband Leitung Matthias Haase Sonntag 24.November 2024 18 Uhr Trinitatiskirche , Karl August Platz, 10625 Berlin  R.Keiser  Sinfonia „le ridicolous prince Jodelet“ J.S.. Bach 3. Brandenburgisches Konzert

Herbstkonzert / Jubiläumskonzert der kleinen Barockband

20 Jahre kleine Barockband Leitung Matthias Haase Samstag 23.November 2024 18 Uhr Evangelisch-Lutherische Gemeinde Berlin-Mitte, Annenstr. 53, 10179 Berlin R.Keiser  Sinfonia „le ridicolous prince Jodelet“ J.S.. Bach 3. Brandenburgisches Konzert

Autumn concert of the small baroque band

Saturday, November 18, 2023 3 pm Evangelical Lutheran Parish Berlin-MitteAnnenstr. 531ß179 Berlin Conductor Matthias Haase Johann Christian Schieferdecker Concerto No. 5 in D minorJohann Heinrich Schmelzer, Serenata con altre AriaGeorg Philipp Telemann, Concerto in B flat major

Summer concert of the small baroque band

Saturday June 24, 2023 7 pm "die kleine Barockband" Conductor: Matthias Haase Georg Friedrich Händel Overture to Radamisto HWV 12 Georg Philipp Telemann Overture in B minor TWV 55 h:1 Georg Friederich

Autumn concert of the small baroque band

Sunday November 20, 15.30 GemeindesaalZwölf-Apostelkirche10783 Berlin an der Apostelkirche 1 Works by J.S. Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann Bach, Georg Muffat and Francesco Veracini Admission free / donations requested

Autumn concert of the small baroque band

Saturday, November 19, 6 p.m. Königin-Luise Gedächtniskirche10829 BerlinGustav-Müller-Platz Works by J.S. Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann Bach, Georg Muffat and Francesco Veracini Admission free / donations requested

Musical devotion

Sunday 20.12.2020 5 pm Taborkirche Taborstr. 17 10997 Berlin-Kreuzberg with Pastor Sabine Albrecht Texts and music Works by Johann Sebastian Bach, Georg Philipp Telemann, Johann David Heinichen and Arcangelo Corelli

Autumn concert of the small baroque band

Sunday 22.11. 5 pm unfortunately canceled due to Corona restrictions Johanneskirche, Schlachtensee- Matterhornstr.37 - 14129 Berlin Christoph Nichelmann Ouverture in B flat major Johann Gottlieb Janitsch Suonata in A minor Johann Sebastian Bach Ricercare a 6

Autumn concert of the small baroque band

Saturday 21.11.2020 5 pm unfortunately canceled due to Corona restrictions Glaubenskirche - Tempelhof , Friedrich-Franz-Strasse 7-10, 12103 Berlin Christoph Nichelmann Ouverture in B flat major Johann Gottlieb Janitsch Suonata in A minor Johann Sebastian Bach Ricercare

Autumn concert of the small baroque band

Saturday 16.11.2019 5:00 PM Jan Dismas Zelenka "Hipocondrie" in A major ZWV 187 Francesco Conti "Languet anima mea" Cantata for soprano Arcangelo Corelli Concerto grosso in D major op. 6 no. 4 Johann Sebastian